
Avid adventurer & maker of nice things. Currently at Ride with GPS.




An electronics kit that makes it easy for people to start building their own hardware from scratch


Thoughts on my first popular project, and why it matters.

Happy April First

April Fools' is one of my favorite days. Here are some ways I like to celebrate.

404 Page

I have a spiffy new 404 page.

My Personal Project Recipe

The goals that I keep in mind to make sure that my side projects end up being interesting and successful.

Troubleshooting Is Learning

Some thoughts on why troubleshooting is important, and what that means for programming courses in higher education.

Bare Bones Vertical Text Centering with JQuery

I had a problem with a responsive column layout where multiples lines of text needed to be vertically centered inside the columns no matter how tall they were. This JQuery snippet fixed it.